Michael Denhoff spricht über seinen Weg zur neuen Musik und welche verschiedenen Prozesse des Komponierens er ausprobiert hat und was er darin entdeckt hat. Er erzählt über von ihm kuratierte Ko...
Irene Quero talks about so many things and how life composition, music and being a woman is so intertwined. Enjoy this inspiring interview!
Die Sopranistin und Performerin Irene Kurka spricht diesmal über Stress, Hirnfunktionen, Hormon Cocktails, Maßhalten, Impulse, Ruhe, Meditation, Stimme, Angst und Aktionismus.
Helena Canovas Pares talks about her education in Spain and Cologne and how she developed as a composer. She shares her thoughts about voice, singing, inspiration and collaborations.
Reiko Füting spricht über seinen Weg in die neue Musik und wie es ihn in die USA verschlagen hat, wo er seit vielen Jahren Professor für Komposition an der Manhattan School of Music ist. Er spri...
Johannes Kreidler talks about his way into contemporary music and how he became a conceptual composer. He speaks about teaching in Basel and what happened in and since the pandemic in his artist...
Irene Kurka spricht über ihre Erfahrungen, Neuerungen und Erfolge rund um den Podcast, Konzerte in Braga, Luxembourg, Coaching, Human Design, Entspannung und Ruhe und vieles mehr.
Rosie Middleton talks about her way into singing contemporary music and music theatre and how she enjoys exploring extreme situations for her voice and body. She shares her experience of 12 Hour...
Ana Sokolovic talks about her way into new music and her big interest in vocal music and music theater. She shares with us what inspires her and she connects many different things in her works.