109 - Interview with Toby Roundell (in english)
Irene Kurka and Toby Roundell have been supported by the Goethe Institute with a virtual residency during August. Toby Roundell is a British composer who lives in China, the soprano Irene Kurka lives in Dusseldorf. They worked together at Klangraum Duesseldorf 2017 and wanted to continue this year. Because of the pandemic Toby could not travel to Dusseldorf and so they were very happy to recieve this support by Goethe Institute to continue their work. They talk about this process and what happend during corona. Toby talks about life in China and what prayer, meditation, wandelweiser and relationships are for him.
Supported by Goethe Institut
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der „neuen musikzeitung“, dem Kooperationspartner von „neue musik leben“.
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